Monday, May 26, 2008

Website Research - Website 2

Name of Website: 4Kidstv - The Game Station
URL of website:


If you were to visit this website for the first time, you would immediately be able to tell that this website is obviously targeted towards children of ages 5-12. This goes to show that the web designers have used a suitable layout filled with colours, big words and full of their favourite TV cartoon characters that is sure to attract them to this site. This website does not seem have a main focus rather, it is like a 'hangout spot' for children online. Besides being able to watch cartoon shows here, they can also log on here to play flash mini games, look in the buzz section for news about their shows or cartoon hero characters, or simply to chat online with other children from all over the world. Thus the contents of this website is relevant to their aim of target audience.

In terms of web design principles, since the target are children the website links are made very simplified and also in big letters such as 'PLAY', 'TALK', etc. Also, button links are very interactive, supported with sounds that are appealing to children and also contain pictures that enables children, whom are mostly new to surfing on the net, to navigate easily through the website. Furthermore, the name of the links are in simple vocabulary that is easily understood by the target audience. Thus this website is able to reach to its target audience and is user friendly. This website is also innovative in a way that the URL is easy to remember for children and the vibrant and colourful layout that is very appealing to children. All in all, the only downside of this website is that due to the large amount of pictures it has to load, the loading time for this site can be horrendously long for those unfortunate ones not using broadband or wireless.

Navigational Diagram


Website Research - Website 1

Name of Website: LovetoKnow
Website URL:


This website has a rather plain layout that is more full of words rather than pictures. As the site name suggests, it is more of an information site for adults and maybe teenagers as well. Despite that, due to the plaintiveness and use of many small words all over the screen that just simply complicates things for viewers, this site does a rather poor job of appealing to its target audience. However the information that it provides and the specific links that are shown in each section may make it a user friendly site as it is rather easy for any surfer to navigate through the site. Plus it also has a good loading time. This site does not really have anything about it that stands out to make it seem better than other sites thus it becomes a relatively unknown website.

Navigational Diagram